“Weathering the storm”
Wilsall, MT - 2023
Cows are incredibly resilient animals. These cattle are out during a blizzard at -25°F weather, just battling the elements while enjoying baled alfalfa harvested from the summer before. People know a lot about the importance of rainfall and precipitation in drought-ridden parts of this country and how it impacts food. A lot may not think about the importance of it in a cattle operation where the amount of grass harvested from the summer impacts the amount of cows you can sustain during the winter months without buying hay. We had an amazing summer of rainfall and were able to get a bit more than two cuts of hay—a legendary amount of food for these guys during the winter. We were able to keep on the majority of our herd, whereas, the summer before, we had shed plenty due to the drought. With all of the wonderful snow we’ve gotten this winter, we can only pray that holds up again this summer.
Collector: ~84 x 48” | 72 x 36” | Edition of 7
Standard: ~50 x 33” | 40 x 23” I Edition of 15
Small: ~32 x 22” | 24 x 13.5” | Edition TBD